Thursday, October 24, 2019

For Tuesday: Strayed, Wild, Chs.8-10

Read Part Three, Chapters 8-10, for Tuesday's class. We'll have a quiz as usual when you arrive, based on at least one of the questions below. Also, remember that the Short Paper #2 assignment is due next Thursday--the assignment is in the post below this one.

* How are the chapters of each title a metaphor for the story/events that follow? Particularly a strange one like "Corvidology?" 

* Why does she call "Mom! Mom!" when she sees the fox in Chapter 9? Does she seem to understand herself?

* Look for good metaphors in these chapters! For example, what does she mean by, "These mountains didn't count the days" (143)?

* How does Strayed's history with her father somewhat resemble (in a darker way) McCandless' story? Why is it also another piece in the puzzle of her quest to walk the PCT?

* Why does she want to be with Greg even though she admits she's not attracted to him? How might this relate to her "Band-Aid" metaphor from Part Two?

* Strayed writes that walking on the PCT "was the opposite of using heroin," because "the wilderness had a clarity that included me" (143). What do you think she means by this?

* One of the most disturbing (and memorable) scenes in the book occurs in Chapter 10 with her mother's horse, Lady. Why do you think she includes this scene? How does it underline some of the big themes of the book?

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