Thursday, November 7, 2019

Conversation Paper #2--the Last One!

Conversation Paper #2: The Call of the Wild

“It had only to do with how it felt to be in the wild. With what it was like to walk for miles for no reason other than to witness the accumulation of trees and meadows, mountains and deserts, streams and rocks, rivers and grasses, sunrises and sunsets. The experience was powerful and fundamental” (Strayed 207).

INTRO: Both Wild and the film Into the Wild are about twenty-somethings feeling lost in adulthood. Even though both are college-educated and have plenty of opportunity in the ‘real world,’ each one rejects it in favor of an experience in the “wild.” Interestingly, each one also rejects family, money, and advice taking only what they can carry on their backs, as well as books (they’re both big readers). So the question is, why did they feel the Wild could solve the problems that community and society couldn’t? And is this a universal problem with people their (and your) age?

PROMPT: For your Second Conversation Paper, I want you to answer the question, “what is society not providing to young adults—why are they seeking fulfillment ‘out there’ rather than ‘in here’? Why are so many people deciding to reject college and careers and traditional roles in search of something more “real” and “meaningful”? In other words, what are we doing wrong as a society? How are we leaving young adults out in the cold and not answering the most vital questions they have as human beings? How do you feel about this: do you feel the same way? Or do you think they’re both missing the bigger picture? Do you feel tempted to heed the call of the wild, too?

  • Use Wild and the film Into the Wild to respond to: show that your conversation comes from both works and quote from Strayed especially to explain where she—and many people your age—are coming from in their journey.
  • Find AT LEAST TWO outside sources that also talk about some aspect of this conversation: they could be interviews with Strayed, articles about McCandless, articles about people on the PCT, or about college/job prospects, etc. Anything that you feel helps you discuss this and gives you new perspectives.
  • NAYSAYER: Someone who disagrees with you or shows you another way of considering the subject. If you agree with Strayed/McCandless, who doesn’t? If you think they’re nuts, who doesn’t? Remember, you can even use Strayed to act as a Naysayer (she often does).
  • No set page limit: it’s up to you to think how long this needs to be, and what you need to say.
  • Due Tuesday, November 19th by 5pm [no class that day]

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