Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Short Paper #1: Welcome! Now Please Get Lost...

For your first writing assignment, I want you to write a short essay helping a tourist experience something ‘real’ and authentic about your hometown/homestate. Many outsiders might skip your town altogether, or even consider Oklahoma (or another state) not worth spending the night in. But the best trips are the ones we don’t plan, and the places we never intended to see (or didn’t know how to see). So try to introduce them to ONE local/unique experience (not the whole town or city), and try to convince them that this is a more worthwhile experience than going where everyone else goes. Keep it mind that it doesn’t have to be stereotypically “exciting” or “amazing.” In fact, the less it seems touristy the better!

As you begin to write, consider some of the following:
  • What will they see here? Experience here? What might they not understand? How can they appreciate it?
  • Why is this place/event important to you? What do you see in it that makes it so meaningful?
  • What does it say about local culture and values? Why is this unique to this part of the world?
  • How does it connect to the experience of travel from one (or both) of the authors in class?

REMEMBER, be specific and help them see what you see, and guide them through this place, event, experience assuming they know nothing about it. Also, be sure to use at least ONE of the essays in class as a way to connect this to the larger conversation. Make sure they know that this isn’t just a used bookstore in Tulsa, Oklahoma, for example: it represents something much larger, and can help the tourist get “lost” in their own travels and find something unique about themselves—or their world.

  • At least 2-3 pages, double spaced
  • Must quote from one of the essays in class, and integrate this quote into your conversation (we’ll discuss doing this in class)
  • Be descriptive and consider what this represents about local culture or human nature
  • Due NEXT THURSDAY by 5pm—hard copy, to my office door; no e-mails, please!

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